Give4charity.org is a “crowdfunding” platform, designed to help raise funds or provide in-kind support for the needy in Malaysia.  It’s simple, straightforward and most importantly effective in that you as a giver will directly channel your help and support to the donation seeker or help seeker without going through a third party.

Give4charity.org is managed and supported by www.csrmalaysia.org as a community project to reach out and help the poor and underprivileged during these challenging times. Over the years CSR Malaysia has been a bridge between non-profit organisations and corporate companies where millions of ringgit have been channeled generously by various companies for charitable causes. CSR Malaysia hopes that through Give4charity.org more underprivileged people or charitable causes in this nation will be supported directly and speedily without givers and donors having to contend with the stumbling block of bureaucracy.

For help, enquiries or community support collaboration, you may reach us at marcom@csrmalaysia.org

“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”
― Mother Theresa

Disclaimer: If you have doubts about  the genuineness of the donation seeker, please feel free to contact them directly for clarifications (however, be tactful, gentle and kind)